Welcome, noble netsurfer!
Why the asterisk? Because Sun Microsystems, Inc. does not allow third-party
sites to use the word "Java" in the title. There is no such restriction for
domain names, however.
The material on this site has been organized into six categories:
Intro. This page, which outlines the contents of the site. |  |
Artwork. This only has a few scattered items yet. |
Applets. My growing collection of home-made Java programs. |  |
Feedback. A list of Frequently Asked Questions and answers. |
Goals. A fairly extensive outline of what I want to accomplish. |
Links. This should be pretty much self-explanatory. |
In order to protect myself from e-mail spam, I have no textual
references to my address on this site -- just the graphical representation
of text you see in the bottom right corner. Automated address-hunting
programs are unable to read such information, but human visitors should
have no problems with it.
Disclaimer: Java and all Java-based marks are
trademarks or registered trademarks of Sun Microsystems, Inc.
in the United States and other countries. J*va on the Brain is
independent of Sun Microsystems, Inc.