Iceblox for Nokia: Technical stuff

At the moment, J2ME is a mess of conflicting standards. Apart from the fact that a lot of the JVMs on the market are buggy. you can only use a Nokia Java game on a Nokia phone and Siemens Java games only work on Siemens phones. To make matters worse, different phones from the same manufacturer have vastly different display sizes and screen proportions. The result is that there is no "write once, run anywhere." It's barely possible to build a game that works properly on even a single phone model.

This game will probably work on a Nokia 3410 or 6310i, provided you bought it or updated the firmware recently. The necessary files can be downloaded here:

and they will also work in the default emulator that comes with the Nokia Developer's Suite (available for free from Nokia after registration). If it doesn't work, check if the .jad file has been corrupted during the download, by opening it in a text editor. Depending on what browser you are using, the line feeds may get messed up.

The source code, if you are interested:

I stored the graphics data as three binary files, imdata.bit, immask.bit and chardata.bit, which are part of the ice.jar package.